Write a book project
Posted on Wednesday, June 23, 2021Write a Book Project 2021
The senior classroom used the extra two weeks of online learning in March to great use. For the first time the school took part in the Write a Book Project. It is a project run through the Education Centres all around Ireland. After brainstorming and planning, the pupils designed their books using Book Creator. 17 books were submitted and the 4th and 5th class students cannot wait until next year to write their sequels!
Isabelle Davis was awarded a Merit for her book The Fairy Kingdom.
Special Commendations were awarded to:
Amy Dunne The Amazing Adventures of Lola the Cat
Jack O'Leary Dog go home
Callum Griffin A Wolf's Journey
Galway Education Centre sent out some goodies for all participants and they were presented in school today by Mrs Barrett.
Well done to our authors, here is the link to read the books: Eyrecourt NS
You can also read books from other schools if you scroll down this page: Write a Book Project Galway
Pictured are the pupils who submitted books from 4th, 5th and 6th class. Missing from the photos are Jack O'Leary, Evan Horsman and Seán Óg Larkin.