WHO Growth Surveillance Study

Posted on Monday, October 24, 2022

The World Health Organisation Childhood Growth Surveillance Study

For over 14 years the school has been involved in this study monitoring children's growth. Every two years researchers come and measure the height and weight of the children and record the data for their studies. There are no child's names used and the school is not identified at all. This research is taking place in hundreds of schools all over the country.  You can see the 2020 report here

he children might have to remove their shoes for the weighing and their jumper if it is bulky for the measuring but that is all.  The researchers have always been very pleasant and the children go with their class. 

This year 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th class will be involved. An envelope with information was sent home with your child today. Please complete the consent form and return to the class teacher this week. The researchers will arrive to the school on Monday 7th November. 

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