RSA Street Smart

Posted on Friday, June 07, 2019

On Friday 7th June we will travel to Clonfert Hall to take part in the RSA Streetsmart actvities. 
Streetsmart is an itiative by the RSA to teach children about safety on roads. 

We have two sessions for our school:
9:20am for Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st & 2nd Class
10:10am for 3rd to 6th class

We will travel to Clonfert by bus. Cost of the bus is €3 per child or €5 per family.

As the first session begins at 9.20am, we will open the school at 9am for all pupils so the junior pupils can travel to Clonfert on time. 

We also have our infant open day on Friday which means that Ms Kearns' classes (Infants & 1st) will go home at 12pm. 

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