27 March Learning at Home Update
Posted on Friday, March 27, 2020Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you are aware, the school will be closed to the end of the Easter Holidays. While the 19th of April is the current official date, we do believe schools could remain closed after that date.
We met today as a staff and discussed how best to support our pupils learning at home. Our main concern is that parents might feel they have to "teach" or "home school" their children, this is not the case. We want to support you by providing activities that your child can do independently or almost independantly. We are a small school and we know our pupils very well. Whatever content is missed we will catch up with next year or on the return to school.
Please refer to the original learning at home post. If you can get your child reading during this time at home, you will enhance their educational outcomes for life. If your child knows their tables when they come back to school, they will always find maths easy. Any other activities you do with your child is a bonus.
Our plan going forward is to have Google Classroom as a means of communication in each class. It is already esablished in the senior room and pupils are engaging very well. In the Junior and Middle Room the parents will access it to get direction from the teacher. If you haven't already emailed Ms McGrath or Mr Barrett please do at [email protected], [email protected] for an invitation to their Google classroom. We are trialing it next week and hope to have it ready for after the Easter break. Teachers will be available online each school day from 9:20 to 3pm.
On Monday 30th March we plan on returning the children's school books. To observe social distancing and guidelines re Covid-19 we will have each child's books bagged and labelled with their name and grouped by class. We will have tables at the front of the school. We have set out a timetable for collection to minimise contact and ask that parents observe all the HSE guidelines regarding social distancing. Parents may collect all their childrens books together.
12:00 6th class
12:20 5th class
12:40 4th class
13:00 3rd class
13:20 2nd class
13:40 1st class
14:00 Senior infants
14:20 Junior infants
Mrs Barrett is contacting the parents of her pupils and will be in school on Monday during book collection time if parents would like to speak to her. Her email address is [email protected]
Included in the book bag will be some other resources including a very helpful resource "Learning through helping at home and learning through play". Through this time at home, children will learn so much practical and creative skills through you. Hopefully this resource will show you how valuable real life, practical learning is.
I am available on [email protected] and will be at school on Monday also.
Kind regards,
Éilis Treacy